Under construction!

This website is very much under construction, subject to the whims of motivation and time off of college. Check back later for more!

Also, I hope to have more non-Minecraft art to show off soon, but real character models are hard </3


Hiya! You've reached Scales. I'm a deer, a gecko, a skunk, a dragon, a lemur, and probably more by the time you read this.

I'd love it if you took a look at my funny animals and followed the projects i have in store with em.


Pronouns: They/Them (and possibly She/It, to be determined)

Hobbies: 3D modeling, pixel art, animation, and writing

Interests: Undertale/Deltarune, TF2, Splatoon, and RTVS

Location: Curled up in bed like a cat

HP: 4/8

MANA: 195/255


To-Do List

This list is in order of priority! I'll mark things off as I do them.

  Finish Homepage(?)

  Start Characters Page

      Code the buttons

  Start About Page

  Start Portfolio Page

  Finish All Character Bios

  Advertise this place off-site